Outdoor Learning
Going Outs
A favorite practical life event that is eagerly awaited in Montessori elementary classrooms is the “going out.” The premise is fantastic – giving children the opportunity to go out beyond the classroom to learn and explore – usually done in small groups, and often to delve into a topic of interest.
The guides follow the children’s interests in arranging these trips based on what they are studying in class. Our elementary children have gone on some amazing adventures! From the Denver Art Museum, to the Water Sanitation Plant – our going outs are not only educational, but so much fun!

Midtown Campus Playground
Sloan's Lake Playground
Each of MMA’s campuses boast spacious nature-scaped playgrounds that meet the need of each developmental age group that they serve. While in the Nido & Toddler playgrounds you may see smaller structures for the little ones to explore their newfound movement skills, the Primary and Elementary playgrounds encourage the older children to use maximum effort and creativity to fuel their fun.
Upper Elementary Outdoor Classroom
Our beautiful Upper Elementary classroom is accompanied by an outdoor learning environment that not only supports the children’s inherent need for movement, but encourages it. On any given beautiful Colorado day, you can find the door to the outdoor classroom wide open, and the children moving about both spaces as they need. They can choose to work outside, or use the space for much-needed “brain breaks” after diving into their studies.